Friday, April 28, 2006

I received a call to inform me that I was mistaken in the deficit. I have looked at the ATM articles and this may be correct. If the articles were passed without amendments, the budget is over $14,000.00 that we would be assessed in taxes. The tax rate for supporting this budget would have been approximately $0.53 per thousand if the Cherry Sheet funding had remained at the Governor’s proposal. The Cherry Sheet (to get to the Cherry Sheet:, under Online Services, select MORE. Under the heading "State Government, select Local Government, scroll down to "DLS Municipal Data Bank" and click on this heading. This will bring you to the Cherry Sheet, select a year and then select Savoy) shows the town has been reduced from $810,928.00 to $761,151.00 for Fiscal Year 2007. The budget was based on receiving $810,928.00 from the State. The other question I was asked, "do we have to approve the budget, can it be sent back to the Finance Committee?" I suggested this be brought up at the meeting Tuesday. This is to important an issue for the townspeople for me to inquire of the Select Board or Finance Committee members. Sue McGrath said a tax rate could not be set at this time until all the figures are in. The residents of Savoy have made the right decisions in the past. I have gathered this information hoping to inform the voters. With correct information, the voters will make the right decision for the town. by Brenda Smith

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