Thursday, April 20, 2006

ARTICLE #12: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $200.00 for FY 2007 Librarian’s Salary at Savoy Hollow Library or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE #13: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $200.00 for FY 2007 Librarian’s Expense Account at Savoy Hollow Library or take any other action in relation thereto: (+100.00 FY 04)
ARTICLE #14: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $100.00 for FY 2007 Health Care Agent or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE #15: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $154,433.51 for the Unclassified Expenses as detailed below or take any other action in relation thereto:
Unclassified Expenses:...................................................................................
Insurance General..................37,525.00.....................42,000.00.......+4,475.00
Health 32-B...................25,000.00.....................30,100.00 ......+5,100.00
County Retirement.......39,012.00..........33,060.00........ -5,952.00
Berk. Cty. Communications....3,688.24................6,454.42........+2,766.18
Workman’s Comp....................5,800.00......................5,900.00...........+100.00
Short Term Int. Exp.................500.00...........................500.00
New School Addition............17,817.41..........................17,817.41
F.I.C.A. Medicare....................6,000.00.........................6,000.00
Memorial Day Parade.................500.00............................600.00..........+100.00
Cemeteries Expense......................50.00.............................50.00
Veteran’s Graves.........................300.00...........................300.00
B & H Comp.Ser......................1,325.00........................1,325.00
Reserve Fund............................5,000.00........................5,000.00
Medicaid Secretary .....................150.00...........................150.00
Conservation Comm....................750.00............................750.00
Agricultural Comm..............-0-....................500.00........+500.00
Town Park Comm. ................. 1,000.00 .....................1,000.00
......TOTALS .........147,333.92...............154,433.51...+7,099.59
To see if the town will vote to create a revolving account to be pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½ such revolving to be used for payment of compensation for the Plumbing Inspector and Wire Inspector from fees collected. Total fees revolved for fiscal year 2007 not to exceed $1,500.00 each or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE # 17: To see if the town will vote to create a revolving account to be pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½ such revolving to be used for payment of compensation for the Building Inspector and Board of Health Agent from fees collected. Total fees revolved for fiscal year 2007 not to exceed $2,000.00 each or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE # 18: To see if the town will vote to create a Town Park Revolving Account to be pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½ the total fees revolved for fiscal year 2007 not to exceed $5,800.00 or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE#19: To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $5,000.00 from the Free Cash Account to the Highway Department Garage Doors Replacement Account or take any other action in relation thereto: (Capital Improvement)

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