Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Forest Viability Grant Program Applications Now Available

The Savoy Agricultural Commission wishes to advise Savoy residents that the Forest Viability Grant Program Applications are now available. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs is now accepting applications from forest landowners interested in participating in the Forest Viability Grant Program. This program provides business planning assistance and implementation grants to landowners wishing to establish or improve forest-based businesses. Businesses can be based upon wood products, edible, medicinal, or decorative plants, or recreational, educational, or wildlife-related uses of the land.

Eligible landowners may receive up to $5,000 in technical assistance for the preparation of a Forest Viability Business Plan in return for a 5 year covenant protecting the land from development. Landowners with a Forest Viability Plan are then eligible to receive grants worth $250 per acre (up to $20,000) for implementation of the plan in return for a 20 year covenant. Any private landowner with at least 20 acres of forest land that is not currently protected by a deed restriction is eligible to apply. Applications are available at Under "Search for Solicitations" search for keyword "Forest Viability." The application deadline is May 1, 2006. For more information please contact:
Joseph Smith Bill Toomey, The Forest and Wood Products Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Mount Wachusett Community College, Westfield River Highlands Project, 978-630-9360 or 413-354-7780., From Bob Veronesi

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