Friday, April 28, 2006

I received a call to inform me that I was mistaken in the deficit. I have looked at the ATM articles and this may be correct. If the articles were passed without amendments, the budget is over $14,000.00 that we would be assessed in taxes. The tax rate for supporting this budget would have been approximately $0.53 per thousand if the Cherry Sheet funding had remained at the Governor’s proposal. The Cherry Sheet (to get to the Cherry Sheet:, under Online Services, select MORE. Under the heading "State Government, select Local Government, scroll down to "DLS Municipal Data Bank" and click on this heading. This will bring you to the Cherry Sheet, select a year and then select Savoy) shows the town has been reduced from $810,928.00 to $761,151.00 for Fiscal Year 2007. The budget was based on receiving $810,928.00 from the State. The other question I was asked, "do we have to approve the budget, can it be sent back to the Finance Committee?" I suggested this be brought up at the meeting Tuesday. This is to important an issue for the townspeople for me to inquire of the Select Board or Finance Committee members. Sue McGrath said a tax rate could not be set at this time until all the figures are in. The residents of Savoy have made the right decisions in the past. I have gathered this information hoping to inform the voters. With correct information, the voters will make the right decision for the town. by Brenda Smith

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Select Board Meeting, April 25. The Select Board discussed the budget process. The State notified the Town,Thursday, April 20, there would be a reduction in state funding, which has created a deficit of $81,404.65 for the town. The warrant for the Annual Town Meeting was posted, therefore, the decision was to present the following at the ATM:

Amend Article 3: bottom line would be $269,918.00, a reduction of $21,404.00.

Amend Article 24 and Article 25: to be tabled until a later date and time.

This will allow the town to have a working budget. The issue of funding the deficit will placed before the Town at a later date. If the State does not provide more funding the townspeople will be faced with a tough 2 ½ override vote at a later date. The tax rate for FY’2007 cannot be set due to the deficit. by Brenda Smith

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Notes from the Select Board meetings of April 11 and April 18. A FEMA Grant was received by the Fire Department on October 15, 2002 for $152,571.00. The Fire Department used $143,583.07; therefore, $1,676.93 must be returned. The money will come out of the General Fund because it was put in the General Fund. Emile Mazur requested a list of roads from Dan Bosley’s office that were federally funded. The roads are Route 8A, Route 116 (Main Road), River Road, Chapel Road, Loop Road and Black Brook Road. Joe Bettis will file board of health papers to take care of the beaver problems on Main Road by the Town Park.
Police Chief Dean reported there is a dog problem in Savoy. There is no lease by-law. The Select Board will look into writing a by-law.
The Finance Committee completed the budget for Fiscal Year 2007 Tuesday night, April 18. The Warrant will be prepared for signatures April 19. The budget for the Annual Town Meeting follows:
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
To either of the Constables of the Town of Savoy in the County of Berkshire Greeting.
IN THE NAME OF The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said Town, qualified to vote in elections and in Town affairs, to meet at the FIRE STATION in said TOWN OF SAVOY on TUESDAY the SECOND (2nd) day of MAY, 2006 next, at 7:00 o’clock in the evening, then and there to act on the following articles:
ARTICLE #1: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $22,576.00 to pay the Salaries for all Elected Officials as detailed below or take any other action in relation thereto:
.................................................... FY’06.................... FY’2007
Elected Salaries:.........................................................................
Selectmen Salaries .................. 6,000.00............... 6,000.00
Moderator......................................76.00..................... 76.00
Assessor’s Salaries...................3,000.00.................3,000.00
Tax Collector............................4,170.00.................4,500.00........+330.00
Town Clerk...............................2,800.00.................3,000.00........+200.00
ARTICLE #2: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $79,424.00 to pay for General Government Expenses as detailed below or take any other action in relation thereto:
General Government:.........................................................................................
Selectmen’s Expenses....... 850.00......... 900.00.....+50.00
Town Counsel........................1,500.00.................1,500.00
Treasurer Expenses .............1,000.00.................1,000.00
Bank Charges...............................50.00......................50.00
Collector’s Expenses.................600.00....................650.00..............+50.00
Tax Taking/Tax Title............1,500.00.................1,500.00
Town Clerk Exp.........................850.00.................1,000.00............+150.00
Election & Registration..........1,500.00.................2,500.00..........+1,000.00
Planning Board Exp. .................500.00....................500.00
Hist. Comm. Exp........................200.00....................200.00
Moderator Expense.....................-0-............................-0-
Town Building.........................3,500.00.................3,500.00
Office Supplies.........................1,100.00.................1,100.00
Assessor’s Exp.........................8,000.00................15,000.00..........+7,000.00
Legal Notice.............................1,800.00..................1,800.00
Office Manager........................8,606.00.................11,440.00...........+2,834.00
Asst. Town Clerk........................500.00.....................500.00
Tree Warden .................................-0-.............................-0-
Accountant Expenses..................200.00......................200.00
Town Computer Exp............–0-.............2,000.00..........+2,000.00
Council on Aging.......................1,000.00...................1,000.00
Council on Aging Van...............4,000.00 ................. 4,000.00..........
ARTICLE #3: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $291,322.00 for Town Highway Department Expenses as detailed below or take any other action in relation thereto:
Highway Dept. Expenses....203,839.60............291,322.00.........+87,482.40
ARTICLE #4: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $774,969.00 for Savoy Elementary School and Adams/Cheshire School detailed below or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE #5: To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $10,000.00 from the FY 2006 Savoy Elementary School Account to the FY 2007 Savoy Elementary School Account or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE#6: To see if the town will vote to authorize the School Committee to enter into a five-year contract with the school bus service for the Town, or to take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE #7: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $93,000.00 for FY 2007 School Transportation or take any other action in relation thereto: $68,310.00 in FY’06 (up $24,690.00)
ARTICLE#8: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $75,316.00 for FY 2007 C. H. McCann Technical High School or take any other action in relation thereto: $72,129.00 in FY’06 (up $3,187.00)
ARTICLE #9: To see if the Town will vote to disapprove the $750,000.00 of indebtedness authorized by vote of the Northern Berkshire Vocational Regional School Committee for the purpose of reconstructing, remodeling and equipping the gymnasium, ventilation system, locker rooms and other areas within the District’s school building:
ARTICLE #10: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $21,764.50 for Health and Sanitation Expenses as detailed below or take any other action in relation thereto:
Health & Sanitation:.........................................................
Animal Inspector ...............165.00.......................165.00
Transfer Station.............14,000.00..................14,000.00
Transfer Attn. Sal............4,160.00....................4,160.00
N.Berk.Solid Waste.........1,057.50....................1,339.50..........+282.00
Transfer Station Repairs.....200.00.......................200.00
Transfer Bags ..................1,750.00....................1,900.00.........+150.00
ARTICLE #11: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $31,868.00 for the Protection of Personal Property as detailed below or take any other action in relation thereto:
Protection/Persons & Prop.:.....................................................
Police Chief Sal............................1,100.00..................1,100.00
Police Expense..............................1,000.00..................1,000.00
Police Safety Salary .....................3,000.00..................3,000.00
Fire Chief Sal................................1,100.00..................1,100.00
Fire Equip. & Maint. ............10,260.00................15,260.00......+5,000.00
Fire Fighter Personal Safety..........7,503.00..................7,503.00
Fire Station Maint..........................1,000.00.................1,000.00
Building Insp. Exp............................400.00....................400.00
Plumbing Inspector Expenses...........250.00....................250.00
Bd. Of Health Agent Exp...............1,000.00.................1,000.00
Civil Defense.........................................5.00........................5.00
Dog Officer Exp.................................250.00....................250.00
......TOTALS.................26,868.00.......... 31,868.00......+5,000.00
ARTICLE #12: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $200.00 for FY 2007 Librarian’s Salary at Savoy Hollow Library or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE #13: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $200.00 for FY 2007 Librarian’s Expense Account at Savoy Hollow Library or take any other action in relation thereto: (+100.00 FY 04)
ARTICLE #14: To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $100.00 for FY 2007 Health Care Agent or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE #15: To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate or otherwise provide the sum of $154,433.51 for the Unclassified Expenses as detailed below or take any other action in relation thereto:
Unclassified Expenses:...................................................................................
Insurance General..................37,525.00.....................42,000.00.......+4,475.00
Health 32-B...................25,000.00.....................30,100.00 ......+5,100.00
County Retirement.......39,012.00..........33,060.00........ -5,952.00
Berk. Cty. Communications....3,688.24................6,454.42........+2,766.18
Workman’s Comp....................5,800.00......................5,900.00...........+100.00
Short Term Int. Exp.................500.00...........................500.00
New School Addition............17,817.41..........................17,817.41
F.I.C.A. Medicare....................6,000.00.........................6,000.00
Memorial Day Parade.................500.00............................600.00..........+100.00
Cemeteries Expense......................50.00.............................50.00
Veteran’s Graves.........................300.00...........................300.00
B & H Comp.Ser......................1,325.00........................1,325.00
Reserve Fund............................5,000.00........................5,000.00
Medicaid Secretary .....................150.00...........................150.00
Conservation Comm....................750.00............................750.00
Agricultural Comm..............-0-....................500.00........+500.00
Town Park Comm. ................. 1,000.00 .....................1,000.00
......TOTALS .........147,333.92...............154,433.51...+7,099.59
To see if the town will vote to create a revolving account to be pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½ such revolving to be used for payment of compensation for the Plumbing Inspector and Wire Inspector from fees collected. Total fees revolved for fiscal year 2007 not to exceed $1,500.00 each or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE # 17: To see if the town will vote to create a revolving account to be pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½ such revolving to be used for payment of compensation for the Building Inspector and Board of Health Agent from fees collected. Total fees revolved for fiscal year 2007 not to exceed $2,000.00 each or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE # 18: To see if the town will vote to create a Town Park Revolving Account to be pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 44, Section 53E ½ the total fees revolved for fiscal year 2007 not to exceed $5,800.00 or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE#19: To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $5,000.00 from the Free Cash Account to the Highway Department Garage Doors Replacement Account or take any other action in relation thereto: (Capital Improvement)
ARTICLE#20: To see if the Town shall vote to have its Elected Treasurer position become an Appointed Treasurer position of the town or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE #21: To see if the town will vote, pursuant to the provisions of Section 4A of Chapter 40 of the M. G. L., to authorize the Selectmen to enter into an inter-municipal agreement with other cities, towns and political subdivision for the group purchasing of supplies, commodities and services that the town is authorized by law to purchase and to appropriate the sum of $400.00 as the town’s share of the expenses for the administration of the program for Fiscal Year 2007 or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE#22: To see if the Town will vote, pursuant to the provisions of Section 4A of Chapter 40 and Section 59A of Chapter 48 of the M.G.L., and to accept the provisions of Section 8G of Chapter 40 of the M.G.L., to authorize the selectmen to enter into mutual aid agreements with other governmental units for the provision of public health, public works, police, fire, animal control, inspectional services, emergency management and emergency medical services, in accordance with an inter-municipal mutual aid agreement to be entered into between the Town and the governmental units:
ARTICLE#23: To see if the town will vote to amend a Town By-law: Town Meetings: Section 1, Amendment 3.
FROM: "The Annual Town Meeting shall be held on the first Tuesday in May and the Annual Town Election on the second Tuesday in May."
TO: The Annual Town Meeting shall be held on the second Wednesday in May and the Annual Town Election on the third Wednesday in May:
ARTICLE # 24: To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $60,000.00 from the Emergency Road Maintenance Account to the Stabilization Fund Account or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE # 25: To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $60,000.00 from the Stabilization Fund Account to the Emergency Road Maintenance Account or take any other action in relation thereto:
ARTICLE #26: To see if the town will vote to transfer the sum of $30,000.00 from the Highway STRAP Account to the Stabilization Fund Account or take any other action in relation thereto:
This year the Select Board has opted to put in Article #3 as a lump sum for the Town to vote up or down. I requested the breakdown for Article 3 as information for the voters. The Select Board will explain the necessity of the one line item rather than the breakdown at the ATM. It is important for us, townspeople to know where the money is targeted prior to the Annual Town Meeting. Below is a breakdown of the appropriations for Article 3.
Highway Dept. Expenses:.............................................................................
Hourly Pay .............................65,050.40...............115,464.00.....+50,413.60
Repairs & Supplies.................51,250.00..................61,250.00....+10,000.00
Snow & Ice.............................60,000.00..................70,000.00....+10,000.00
Road Maintenance..................12,720.00..................27,720.00....+15,000.00
Part Time Help.........................2,500.00....................2,587.50.............+87.50
Misc. Supplies (Office,Etc.).......520.00........................538.20..............+18.20
Vac.,Pers. & Sick Days...........9,699.20...................11,588.80...........+1,889.60
Highway Building Maint.........2,100.00.....................2,173.50................+73.50

Thursday, April 13, 2006


June 24, 2006, 2:00 PM. The Ladies Benevolent Society of Plainfield, Massachusetts will host a Victorian Tea with the Victorian Lady, Kandie Carle, in the 1890 Gilded Age, at the Plainfield Town Hall. Some people would simply call Kandie Carle a delightful entertainer, while others might see her as a comedic social historian. Whatever the label, Carle offers audiences a peek under the garments worn by Victorian Americans and insight into the manners of a time when people got more than just a four word e-mail for an invitation to dinner. This informal tea is age appropriate for audiences of 12 and older. Tickets are $12.00 for this limited seating performance and may be reserved by calling 743-8224 or 634-8030. from Janice Veronesi

Friday, April 07, 2006

Select Board Meetings: The Select Board Meetings from March 21, March 28 and April 4 are combined.
Dan Wilk and Mrs. Nowicki met with the Select Board to discuss health insurance issues. Mr. Wilk said he had learned since the Town provides HMO insurance under Chapter 32b Section 16 of The General Laws of Massachusetts, a change to provide retired teacher’s with insurance would not have to go before the Town for approval. The lawyer for the Teacher’s Association and the Town agreed. Mr. Wilk said the Teacher’s Association does not have an insurance plan for retired teachers. Mrs. Nowicki said it would be easier to find replacements for retirees if the Town has an incentive such as an insurance plan.
Steve Wiseman from the Minuteman Company met with Emile Mazur to discuss holding an informational meeting for Savoy residents about the proposed windmill project in Savoy. The Select Board supported an informational meeting for the residents. A public informational meeting will be held at the Fire Station on Wednesday, May 10, at 7 PM.
Emile Mazur discussed budget proposals for the Annual Town Meeting. The Select Board agreed to take the $30,000 overrun from the Chapel Road Project (monies were received from the STRAP Grant) and put it back into the Stabilization Fund. The Stabilization Fund has approximately $60,000. Free Cash has $19,217 in the account. The Capital Improvement Account will receive $10,000. The excess of $9,217 is proposed to go into the Snow and Ice Account, which will increase the Account to $59,217. There will be a shortage of $3,000, which the Select Board is actively looking to fund.
Sue McGrath requested the Select Board change the day of the Annual Town Meeting and Town Elections to Wednesday. The State requires property taxes be paid May 1 and November 1. This state requirement requires Mrs. McGrath be at the Town Office to receive monies from the residents and interferes with the ATM and election when the May 1 is on a Tuesday. The Select Board agreed to have the Town Clerk research to see if the Town By-Law would need to be changed to have the ATM the second Wednesday of May, and the Town Election the third Wednesday of May.
The Select Board discussed proposing an article for the ATM to change the treasurer position from elected to appointed. Mr. Wagenknecht said there are qualified people in Town but no one wants to take on the job. "We need an individual who is willing to do the job." Beverly Cooper, appointed by the Select Board for one year, is currently filling the position. For the position to change from elected to appointed, the Select Board will put the issue before the townspeople on the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting. If approved, the Select Board will have to wait one full year before making an appointment.
After an active winter of plowing and keeping the roads safe for the community, the Highway Department is going to summer hours. They will be working 10 hour days, four days a week.
Not only is the Select Board working with the Fiance Committee to structure a budget, they are looking at issues that will have to be brought before the townspeople at the Special Town Meeting in June. by Brenda Smith
The Savoy Memorial Day Committee is having its annual Bake, Book and Plant Sale on Saturday, April 22, from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Senior Center/Town Hall. Donations of plants and books can be dropped off Monday thru Friday from 9 Am to 1 PM. Baked goods can be dropped off Friday, April 21, between 9 AM and 1 PM, or Saturday morning. from the Memorial Day Committee

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Forest Viability Grant Program Applications Now Available

The Savoy Agricultural Commission wishes to advise Savoy residents that the Forest Viability Grant Program Applications are now available. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Environmental Affairs is now accepting applications from forest landowners interested in participating in the Forest Viability Grant Program. This program provides business planning assistance and implementation grants to landowners wishing to establish or improve forest-based businesses. Businesses can be based upon wood products, edible, medicinal, or decorative plants, or recreational, educational, or wildlife-related uses of the land.

Eligible landowners may receive up to $5,000 in technical assistance for the preparation of a Forest Viability Business Plan in return for a 5 year covenant protecting the land from development. Landowners with a Forest Viability Plan are then eligible to receive grants worth $250 per acre (up to $20,000) for implementation of the plan in return for a 20 year covenant. Any private landowner with at least 20 acres of forest land that is not currently protected by a deed restriction is eligible to apply. Applications are available at Under "Search for Solicitations" search for keyword "Forest Viability." The application deadline is May 1, 2006. For more information please contact:
Joseph Smith Bill Toomey, The Forest and Wood Products Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Mount Wachusett Community College, Westfield River Highlands Project, 978-630-9360 or 413-354-7780., From Bob Veronesi