The Select Board meeting held on July 31, 2007. The meeting lasted approximately two hours. While it is important to present the meeting, it would not be of value to transcribe the meeting in its entirety. We will try to provide the content without being inflammatory.
Preston McClanahan presented the Select Board with a petition with 24 signatures to remove the tower on West Hill. The Select Board said they would have to verify the signatures with the Town Clerk. Mr. McClanahan presented the Board with information about wind energy for their review. Mr. Bettis said they would put it in their file.
There were residents concerned with how Kevin Kruitak was not reappointed. The statement Mr. Tynan made to the newspaper concerning fire department members drinking and reporting to fire alarms was not resolved to the satisfaction of those in attendance. Residents felt such a blanket statement implied all members may have been drinkers. The Board would not apologize for the statement even though many of the residents expressed to the Select Board they did not drink.
The Select Board was asked what was going on in Savoy since the new Fire Chief had been appointed. After a lengthy debate, Mr. Bettis replies, "what do you want to happen?" Mr. Bettis and Mr. Tynan explained the Select Board had made their decision because they could; and it is their responsibility to appoint the Fire Chief. The Board members would not go into details of the precise reasons for not reappointing Mr. Kruitak. Questions arose as to why the Select Board had not requested the Fire Department members select a Fire Chief as they had in the past; and present their recommendation to the Select Board for approval. The Select Board did not feel they had to follow this procedure and could appoint who they wanted.
Mr. Bettis stated the Mr. Ordyna would not receive compensation this Fiscal Year. The money appropriated for the fire chief would be sent to Kevin Kruitak at the recommendation of the town’s counsel. If money became available for the new fire chief, the appropriation would need to be approved by the voters.
Jamie Reinhardt, Chair of the Planning Board, gave the Select Board an update on the "Commercial Wind Energy Facility Bylaw. He stated the bylaw probably would not be ready for August. The Attorney General’s Office had granted a review and noted areas of concern. The Planning Board is in the process of reviewing areas of concern and will update the bylaw. Mr. Reinhardt explained the Board had sought assistance from Berkshire Regional Planning. They had assisted as a courtesy, but they could not continue as a ‘free service’.
The town owns property at 116 Center Road. Mr. Tynan stated the property is ¾ of an acre. The Select Board is interested in asking abutters if they would be interested in the property. Sue McGrath explained the property had been turned over to the town for unpaid taxes plus attorney fees totaling over $13,000. Mrs. McGrath will do further research to determine whether the town can present the offer to abutters.
Mr. Bettis stated the berm at the school needs repair. In between meetings, he will let the Select Board know how much it will cost to repair the berm.
The Town Hall needs an evaluation of repairs. The back of the building is in poor condition.
The Select Board was questioned about the insurance rating for the town. The concern was the town may have a lower rating since the new fire chief does not have sufficient training. The Select Board responded they had not heard anything about it. They did not think their appointment would have any effect on the insurance rates for the residents.