Sunday, March 12, 2006

Alice Liebenow has provided the following for your consideration.

Dear Lions, Lioness, Leos and Friends
Mass Eye & Ear Infirmary (MEEI) has become a sponsor of our International Convention in Boston. We regularly give money to MEEI through Mass Lions Eye Research Fund, Inc. (MLERFI).
There is a press release I have received regarding this sponsorship. You can use the link below to get the document. While this press release covers how MEEI became a sponsor because of a donation by someone else (MEEI cannot use their money for this kind of expenditure), it also talks about the needs of the convention.
It gives a good overview of the move of the Convention to Boston and will provide you with more information about the move in clear and concise words. Please take the time to read it! You really, really should read this: Mass. Eye and Ear Infirmary Supports Lions Convention Effort.
The press release is also available by way of a link from our announcements page: International Convention in Boston which I have just updated. You can also download the volunteer form, an FAQ, and click to an online volunteer form from the announcement.
Thank You, Dennis Waller, District 33Y Webmaster, Mar. 8, 2006

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